How To Save Money On House Cleaning

messy house after a party

Save $$$

We all know that life can be hectic, and in between housekeeping visits, things can get a little out of hand. If saving money on house cleaning is essential to you, consider doing these simple tasks to save time and money. You will be happy with the result!

messy bathroom counter

Pick up shampoo bottles, soaps, and vanity items.

One key way to save money on house cleaning is to have everything picked up off the counters and showers. Consider purchasing a caddy or plastic tote to pick up all shampoo and soap bottles from the shower and items from your vanity. Picking up these items also ensures that belongings are not being shuffled around or placed back in the wrong area. 

clean your dishes before your housekeeper arrives

Clean Your Dirty Dishes

Wash your dishes, house cleaners use the kitchen sink often, and it will slow them down unnecessarily if the sink is full of dishes. Chances are, you want to pay your housekeeper to do the hard stuff, not the easy stuff! We do clean dishes for an additional charge if it is worth it to you!

pick up children's toys before your housekeeper arrives

Pick up children’s toys

Does this remind anyone of the Snowdown lego march?

Pick up toys and other items that have been scattered throughout the house. 

cleaning supplies hanging on hooks

Have supplies ready

If you are providing supplies, have supplies ready to go in the laundry room or hallway out, including the vacuum, paper towels, products, dusting cloths, bona pads, and mops. 

make the bed and leave clean sheets out

Have linens on hand

If wee are replacing linens, have them set out on the bed, so we don’t have to track them down in the hall closet. Nothing is worse than finding a clean set of sheets in the hall closet, unfolding them and realizing they are the wrong size. Whoops! 

popsicle spill

Ask your house cleaning staff if they have time to…

Identify problem areas and communicate with the house cleaning manager the areas you would like your house cleaner to address. This allows for the housekeeper to come prepared with the right equipment.

pick up bar stools before your housekeeper arrives

Stack Bar Stools, End Tables, and Chairs

Pick up rugs and stack chairs restaurant style. This allows us to zip around the floors and sweep, vacuum, and mop faster. It also insures that the floors are cleaned better. Often hard to reach places are the areas that need to be cleaned the most!


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