Soap Bubble Cleaning

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Time to Clean Out the Fridge

Does the fridge smell every time you open the door? It’s happened to all of us, so it’s time to put on rubber gloves and get to work!

A step by step guide to cleaning your refrigerator

It may not be an ideal way to spend time at home, but cleaning and sanitizing the refrigerator should be done at least every season. It will be even more manageable each time if you make it a must-do on your monthly cleaning checklist. 

Aside from being able to find what you need when preparing a meal, you will also be removing any bacteria that can cause you to become ill. Mystery smells and accidental spills from cluttered shelves will both be removed!

A few supplies and a small amount of preparation will make the task go quickly and smoothly.  

Have the kitchen table or open counter space cleared off to set your food on while cleaning. You will also want to pull the trash can near where you are working and put on some rubber gloves. A dishpan or bucket with hot soapy water and a sponge with a scrubby side (or microfiber cloth) complete your list of necessities. 

  1. Remove everything from your refrigerator in sections- remember to empty drawers and the door shelves as well. We like to take out all of the door items first, take the door attachments apart, clean and wash those in the sink, dry, then return the sauces and condiments to limit their time out of the fridge. 

  2. Take the removable shelves and drawers out. With a bucket of soapy water at your side, wipe down the inside of the refrigerator completely. 

  3. Wash and thoroughly dry the shelves and drawers. Put them back in place.

  4.  Examine the items you keep in the refrigerator door—open lids to inspect for mold and check for expiration dates. Discard what doesn't pass this inspection.

  5.   Wipe off the outsides of the remaining bottles and jars and return to the door shelves.

  6. Open leftover containers. Leftovers that are no longer edible need to be thrown away. Return the rest, keeping them together to remind you to eat them soon.

  7. Put the fruits and vegetables back in their drawers and return the rest of the food without over-crowding.

  8. Finish by washing down the outside of the refrigerator. If you have a stainless fridge- see our blog here on how to clean and polish stainless steel appliances properly. Don't forget the top!

The thought of the task is more daunting than the job itself. You'll be glad you did it. If you don't ever seem to have time to do this project, call Soap Bubble Cleaning at (303) 913-8627. We service Durango, Colorado and all of La Plata County. To see our services- click here